
Ciencia UAT is divided in sections, which correspond to each of the thematic areas covered by the journal and their range of disciplines and subdisciplines. A summary is listed below.

  • Physics, mathematics, and earth sciences

Astrophysics, astronomy, earth and space sciences, physics, logic, mathemathics, marine sciences (oceanography and coastal management).

  • Biology and chemistry

Life sciences, sustainable development, biology, chemistry, environmental sciences.

  • Medicine and health sciences

Medical sciences, medicine, nursing, biomedical engineering, medical specialties, odontology

  • Humanities and behavior sciences

Anthropology, ethics, arts and literature sciences, philosophy, history, linguistics, literature, pedagogy, psychology, language and literature, architecture and urban studies, art and culture, gender studies.

  • Social sciences

Political sciences, economical sciences, educational, sciences, legal sciences and law, demography, teacher education, geography, history, sociology, administration and business, mass media, management.

  • Biotechnology and agricultural sciences

Biotechnology, agrarian sciences, agricultural biotechnology, animal health and production, fishing.

  • Engineering

Electrics, electronics, industrial, energetic, civilian, mechanical, metallurgical and geological, mining, naval, nuclear, oil and petrochemistry, chemistry, textile, mechatronics, environmental, systems, telecommunications.