Tomatoe production in a hydroponic system with a nutritional recyclable solution of tezontle substrate
tomato, hydroponic production, irrigation frequency, substrate volcanic rock, recycled nutrient solution.Abstract
In order to of evaluating diferent irrigation frequencies over the hybrid “Toro” tomato of the saladette, grown in greenhouse conditions rustic with a hydroponic nutrient solution and substrate recyclable inert red volcanic rock, it established a research work in the area of greenhouses Unidad Académica Multidisciplinaria Mante-Centro of the Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, during the period september 2008 to march 2009. Was used universal nutritious solution Steiner and evaluated three irrigation frequencies: 1, 2 and 3 daily irrigation. The experimental design was completely random with three replications. The results showed that treatment with three daily irrigation had the highest tomato fruit yield, concluding that the production of tomato in hydroponic system with volcanic rock and subirrigation substrate was increased by treatment with more frequent irrigation.References
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