Conflict of interest policy

Declaration of non-conflict of interest

Authors must submit a formal statement, in which they declare that no conflicts of interests are involved in their study that can influence the findings presented, as well as the discussion and conclusions drawn.

A conflict of interest can be associated with the financial relationships that can exert influence in the development of the research project and can represent a threat to the interpretation and publication of the findings of the study. A conflict of interest can also arise when the author (s) has affinity, a personal or work relationship or an adverse feeling towards enterprises, institutions or groups that can be positively or negatively affected by the outcomes of the published research.

The decision to accept or reject a manuscript will be based on the academic and scientific analysis of the material. Such analysis will be conducted by external reviewers and will not be influenced by the authors’ statement of potential conflict of interests.

The CienciaUAT Journal is committed to providing a fair review process by requesting the participating editors and external referees to state whether potential conflicts of interests exist in such process, including any potential antagonism with the research topic addressed in the manuscript under review. In addition, the Journal follows a double-blind review process, which ensures that the reviewers do not know the authors and the authors do not know the reviewers.