
Technostress, technology addiction, technodependence and its health consequences in modern times


  • Erika Villavicencio-Ayub Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Psicología, Circuito Ciudad Universitaria Avenida, Ciudad de México, México, C. P. 04510.
  • Melissa García-Meraz Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Psicología, edificio C, Circuito Ciudad Universitaria Avenida, Ciudad de México, México, C. P. 04510
  • Eliana Quiroz-González Universidad Católica de Pereira, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y de la Educación, Pereira, Colombia, C. P. 660005.



addiction, dependency, stress, mental health, technology


Mexico and Colombia share characteristics in terms of broad access and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) ICT, it is therefore important to determine the existence of factors that affect the quality of life of their population. The objective of this study was to establish the presence of negative and positive effects by evaluating physical and emotional consequences of the use of ICT and determine the presence of technostress, technology addiction and technodependence. The sample included 932 men and 1 094 women, who worked in labor organizations in both countries. The average age was 28 years, and the majority had an educational level higher than high school (88.4 %). The three scales used obtained adequate fit indices and high ordinal alpha coefficients, indicating strong internal consistency. Structural equation modeling revealed that technostress was influenced by technology addiction and technodependence. “Compulsive use of ICT” of technology positively predicted technostress in its “rejection of TIC” and “displeasure the use of TIC” dimensions. Technodependence positively and negatively predicted aspects of technostress. A second predictive model determined that the dimensions “displeasure” (technostress), “excessive use” (technology addiction) and “phubbing” (technodependence) positively predicted physical pain and emotional distress. These findings suggest that excessive and dependent use of technology can generate technostress, negatively affecting physical and emotional health. The results show the need to carry out and disseminate social programs that allow developing individual capacities towards optimal use of digital tools, besides implementing strategies that allow the population to enjoy the benefits of the use of ICT, without being affected by the impact on health that the maladaptive use of ICTs entails.


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How to Cite

Villavicencio-Ayub, E., García-Meraz, M., & Quiroz-González, E. (2024). Technostress, technology addiction, technodependence and its health consequences in modern times. CienciaUAT, 19(1).



Social Science