Preparation of manuscripts

The submission process requires the following steps:

  1. Authors must request their registration.
  2. It is necessary to review the editorial policies before submitting any contribution.
  3. Publication guidelines must be reviewed and respected, specifically the general guidelines and the paper structure.
  4. The manuscript must be anonymous (double blind peer revision policy).
  5. Author’s data sheet must be sent separately.
  6. Tables must be included in the manuscript in Word format and must not be inserted as images.
  7. The figures format must be followed and sent with the required quality (300 dpi). The jpg and editable (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) files must be included.
  8. The originality and transfer of copyright letters must be sent.
  9. The transfer of images copyright letters must be sent.
  10. The mandatory elements for acceptance of manuscripts checklist mut be sent. This must agree with the article’s format or the updated revision format.

Submissions that do not comply with the previous guidelines fifteen natural days after beginning the revision process will be removed from the platform.

Manuscripts will be assigned to an area editor after the requirements for registration and formatting requirements have been fulfilled. The process of peer revision will begin afterwards.

These stages can be visualized in the platform by authors, editors, and evaluators (double blind process).