The impact of Covid-19 in youth working conditions in Nuevo Leon, Mexico
youth, employment, labor market, Covid-19, Nuevo LeonAbstract
The Covid-19 pandemic has not only affected public health, but it has also affected the macro and micro economy. The working conditions changed, especially for the young population, presenting everythin from a decrease in wages and benefits, to the closure of small businesses. The objective of this paper was to analyze the effects of these changes in people between 15 to 29 years old, in the state of Nuevo Leon. To do this, their working conditions were compared with those of adults in the state and with those of young people in the rest of the country. To do it, we use the National Occupation and Employment Survey of Q3-2019 and Q3-2020. The analysis indicates that the labor participation of this population segment of the state was considerably reduced; however, those who lost their jobs decided not to look for a new one, which caused their unemployment rate to only increase slightly. However, the portion that continued to work recorded a significant deterioration in their working conditions, such as health benefits, informality or wages, especially for younger men with lower levels of schooling.
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