Sexual experiences and self-esteem in Mexican women with hysterectomy




hysterectomy, sexuality, self-concept


Hysterectomy is the second surgery with more frequency inside gynecology at a worldwide level. In Mexico it is calculated that one of every three women before 60 years old will be subjected to that procedure. Women with hysterectomy undergo a series of changes that could affect them in different aspects of their lives, impacting in the psychological, social, and anatomical. The objective of this investigation was to interpret the sexual experiences and self-esteem of Mexican women with hysterectomy. A qualitative phenomenological-hermeneutic methodology was used where 11 women with abdominal hysterectomy participated. Results were grouped in 2 main categories: sexuality and self-esteem, and their respective subcategories. In the first category, a decrease on lubrication, which consequently had negative effects on desire, satisfaction, and orgasm was reported. In the second, some alterations characterized by changes on the participants’ perception and thoughts were documented, as well as on their capacities, feelings, and attitudes. The process that women went through after the hysterectomy, influenced the components of their sexuality and self-esteem. The coping time and its favorable result were associated with putting self-esteem above the negative in their sexual life.


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How to Cite

Ríos-Isunza, Z. A., Resendiz-Maldonado, B., & Asenjo-Alarcón, J. A. (2023). Sexual experiences and self-esteem in Mexican women with hysterectomy. CienciaUAT, 18(1), 63-80.



Humanities and Behavioral Sciences