
Admissions and outcomes of wildlife in Centers for the Conservation and Research of Wildlife in Mexico during 2005-2020


  • Jesús Ignacio Castro-Salazar Tecnológico Nacional de México, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Abasolo, Los Naranjos, Abasolo, Guanajuato, México, C. P. 36976.
  • José Luis Carpio-Domínguez Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Unidad Académica Multidisciplinaria Reynosa Aztlán, calle Fuente de Diana s/n, colonia Aztlán, Reynosa, Tamaulipas, México, C. P. 88740.
  • Inés Arroyo-Quiroz Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias, Chamilpa, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México, C. P. 62209.



wildlife, conservation, species management, rehabilitation, species release


In Mexico, Wildlife Conservation and Research Centres (CIVS) receive, rehabilitate, and rein-troduce into the wild wildlife rescued, seized, and confiscated by governmental institutions. However, there are few studies that evaluate their functioning and efficiency. The present study aimed to compare wildlife admissions and outcomes, as well as the budget and staffing capacity of Mexico’s CIVS during the period 2005-2020. This study covered information provided by 4 centres and analysed data from 36 526 specimens’ admissions and 35 029 dis-charges. Admission to the CIVS occurred mostly due to seizures and confiscations, and the main reason for departure was referrals to other locations. Reptiles (n = 24 707) and birds (n = 6 828) were the most admitted taxonomic groups. The mortality rate of admitted fauna (41.5 %) exceeded the rate of release into the wild (11.5 %), with reptiles being the taxonomic group with the highest number of deaths (n = 8 011). The work carried out by the CIVS remains of great relevance for the primary management of the fauna that is rescued, seized, and confiscated, but the CIVS have few trained personnel and an ever-decreasing budget to deal with the increasing admissions of fauna.


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How to Cite

Castro-Salazar, J. I., Carpio-Domínguez, J. L. ., & Arroyo-Quiroz, I. (2024). Admissions and outcomes of wildlife in Centers for the Conservation and Research of Wildlife in Mexico during 2005-2020. CienciaUAT, 19(1).



Biology and Chemistry