Separated women in light of intimate partner violence by ex-partners. Thowards its characterization
women, violence, ex-partner, in-depth interview.Abstract
Intimate partner violence is a salient public health problem in society. It can start in dating relationships and be present well after couple separation. The aim of this investigation was to analyze the type and characteristics of violence from an ex-partner experienced by separated women. Data from 17 separated women residing in the State of Mexico was obtained through in-depth interviews in regard to analysis themes: economic, patrimonial, psychological, physical and sexual violence. The results indicate that direct violence from an ex-partner in the forms of psychological, economic and patrimonial abuse is experienced by separated women, as well as indirect female psychological violence victimization through the ex-couple´s offspring. Separated women were found to experience less physical violence and sexual coercion. It can be concluded that rather than becoming the end of violence, couple separation only marks a change in the way in which it is experienced by separated women.
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