Temporal dynamics of dwarf mistletoe infestation (Arceuthobium globosum and A. vaginatum) in Zoquiapan (Iztaccíhuatl Popocatépetl National Park), Mexico


  • Mónica Elisa Queijeiro-Bolaños Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Facultad de Ciencias. Laboratorio de Interacciones y Procesos Ecológicos. Departamento de Ecología y Recursos Naturales, Av. Universidad 3000, D.F., México, C.P. 04510.
  • Zenón Cano-Santana Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Facultad de Ciencias. Laboratorio de Interacciones y Procesos Ecológicos. Departamento de Ecología y Recursos Naturales, Av. Universidad 3000, D.F., México, C.P. 04510.




dwarf mistletoe, Pinus hartwegii, Zoquiapan, infestation, incidence.


Dwarf mistletoes are forest para­sites of great impact on temperate forests, both at the biological and the economical level; however, little is known about the temporal dynamics of their infestation. The aim of this study was to know how the incidences of Arceuthobium vaginatum and A. globosum change through time in the Zoquiapan region, inthe Iztaccíhuatl Popocaté­petl National Park, Mexico. For two and a half years (november 2008 to may 2011), it was registered the incidence of dwarf mistletoe (pro­portion of infected trees), hosts abundance, and the abundance of pines smaller than 2 m in height on 24 plots of 3 300 m2. It was found that infestation dynamics varies greatly, between species and plots, and that A. vaginatum showed a greater incidence than A. globo-sum (Z = 44.09, P < 0.000 1). Also, the occurrence of fires and logging apparently affected the mistletoe incidence, and even, in some cases, mistletoe regrowth was observed. The incidence of A. vaginatum had a negative correlation with small pines abundance (rs = - 0.414, P < 0.05), which could be indicating that there is a negative effect on sapling recruitment. It is necessary to incorporate the occurrence of stochastic phenomena (like fires) to dwarf mistletoe management programs, to improve the conser­vation of forest resources.

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How to Cite

Queijeiro-Bolaños, M. E., & Cano-Santana, Z. (2015). Temporal dynamics of dwarf mistletoe infestation (Arceuthobium globosum and A. vaginatum) in Zoquiapan (Iztaccíhuatl Popocatépetl National Park), Mexico. CienciaUAT, 9(2), 06-14. https://doi.org/10.29059/cienciauat.v9i2.705



Biology and Chemistry