Secondary metabolites in herbaceous plants from the Huasteca veracruzana, Mexico
agriculture, bioproducts, crops, food security, climate changeAbstract
In recent years, agrobiotechnology has played a pivotal role in the pursuit and implementation of sustainable agricultural practices. This presents a potential opportunity for the utilization of secondary metabolites derived from plants in the cultivation of crops of interest. The objective of this research was to evaluate the secondary metabolites associated with 54 species of herbaceous plants identified as medicinal plants in the Huasteca veracruzana, Mexico, and to assess their potential use in the development of agrobiotechnological products. A review of the bibliographic sources was conducted to obtain information on the type of metabolites found in each herbaceous species with medicinal use identified in the region, the organ used, and the extraction method employed. Information was obtained for 46 species, 41 % of which were reported to possess at least one functional group of secondary metabolites. Additionally, 26 % of the species showed the presence of two functional groups, while 18 % and 15 % of the species possessed three and four functional groups of metabolites, respectively. Only 6 of the analyzed species have been studied with the objective of establishing their potential agrobiotechnological use. While the majority of the plants are analyzed to ascertain their potential pharmacological applications, this information is of significant value as it provides insights into the potential of these species and their secondary metabolites as a foundation for the development of agrobiotechnological products.
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