
Risk behaviors and knowledge of automobile components associated with traffic accidents in workers and university students in southern Tamaulipas


  • Ennio Héctor Carro-Pérez Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico Aplicado al Comportamiento (CIDETAC), Centro Universitario Tampico-Madero s/n, Tampico, Tamaulipas, México, C. P. 89109.
  • Arturo Secundino Hernández-Gómez Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico Aplicado al Comportamiento (CIDETAC), Centro Universitario Tampico-Madero s/n, Tampico, Tamaulipas, México, C. P. 89109.
  • Oscar Eliezer Mendoza-De Los Santos Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico Aplicado al Comportamiento (CIDETAC), Centro Universitario Tampico-Madero s/n, Tampico, Tamaulipas, México, C. P. 89109.
  • Brenda Itzel Herrera-Barajas Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico Aplicado al Comportamiento (CIDETAC), Centro Universitario Tampico-Madero s/n, Tampico, Tamaulipas, México, C. P. 89109.



risky driving behaviors, car knowledge, traffic accidents, road behavior, traffic psychology


Traffic accidents are considered a public health problem worldwide; therefore, it is essential to identify behavioral variables considered predisposing factors for these types of incidents. The aim of this study was to determine drivers’ knowledge of car components and whether they practiced the main risk behaviors associated with car accidents. A quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional investigation was carried out on a sample of 200 drivers residing in the municipalities of the southern zone of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Respondents showed a lack of knowledge regarding tire pressure (27.1 %), the condition of the spare tire (44.2 %), and how to measure the car’s engine fluids (18.5 %), with significant differences, with higher values of ignorance among women (P < 0.01; P < 0.05). Regarding risky behaviors, more than 30 % reported using the cell phone while driving, with a significant difference (P < 0.01) in the drivers under 30 years of age. Additionaly, 8 % mentioned not using seat belts, with men standing out in this unsafe behavior. Age showed a significant difference (P < 0.05) in terms of risk-taking behaviors, with drivers under 30 years of age presenting a more accentuated risk profile. The findings indicate the existence of ignorance of essential aspects of vehicles and the practice of risky behaviors by the inhabitants of southern Tamaulipas, who put at risk the safety and lives of drivers and people in their environment, either as pedestrians or in other vehicles. It is suggested that more road safety culture be promoted, especially among younger drivers, through the development of intervention strategies that prove to be efficient.


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How to Cite

Carro-Pérez, E. H., Hernández-Gómez, A. S., Mendoza-De Los Santos, O. E., & Herrera-Barajas, B. I. (2025). Risk behaviors and knowledge of automobile components associated with traffic accidents in workers and university students in southern Tamaulipas. CienciaUAT, 19(2), 93–106.



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