Geomorphologic caractherization of the natural protected area nevado de Toluca, complex volcanoes: Nevado de Toluca and San Antonio


  • Luis Miguel Espinosa-Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Facultad de Geografía, Cerro de Coatepec s/n, Toluca, Estado de México, México, C.P. 50180.
  • Miguel Balderas-Plata Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Facultad de Geografía, Cerro de Coatepec s/n, Toluca, Estado de México, México, C.P. 50180.
  • Héctor Víctor Cabadas-Báez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Facultad de Geografía, Cerro de Coatepec s/n, Toluca, Estado de México, México, C.P. 50180.



geomorphologic, Natural Protected Area, relief, cartography.


Geomorphological characterization is a tool for the implementation of programs related to use and management of territory, comprehensive geographical planning, evaluation of landscapes, and risk scenarios of regions This study consisted in creating a geomorphological map of the Nevado de Toluca - San Antonio volcano complex, using morphological and morphographic criteria on scale 1:50 000 of the Natural Protected Area Nevado de Toluca, located on parallel 190 in the State of Mexico. The geomorphology map shows elements of tectonic origin, volcanic edifice, explosive and effusive relief, as well as formation of peaks, watersheds, systems of slopes, and glacial and fluvial processes. The study found relationships between the rhythms and eruptive processes of the volcanoes and their actual morphology, through construction-deconstruction cycles of the different periods and sectors of the edifices. 


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How to Cite

Espinosa-Rodríguez, L. M., Balderas-Plata, M., & Cabadas-Báez, H. V. (2014). Geomorphologic caractherization of the natural protected area nevado de Toluca, complex volcanoes: Nevado de Toluca and San Antonio. CienciaUAT, 9(1), 06–14.



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