Effect of Candida norvegensis on ruminal degradation of cornstover and on growth performance of lambs
yeast, ruminal degradability, lambs, probioticAbstract
Probiotics assist in the development of beneficial microorganisms in the rumen that increase digestibility of nutrients and improves the productive performance of ruminants; it also has the possibility of using ingredients as corn stover of relatively low nutritional value, but available in some places at low prices. Saccharomyces yeasts are conventionally used as probiotics and there are reports that use native strains such as Candida norvegensis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the probiotic of Candida norvegensis on the in situ ruminal dry matter degradability of corn stover and on the productive performance of growing lambs. In the first experiment, the yeast Candida norvegensis (strain Levazoot 15) [0 g (T1)] and 5 g (T2) was used to determine the in situ ruminal dry matter degradation (RDMD) of the corn stover in 3 cows with cannulas in the rumen, which was determined by the polyester bag technique. There was no effect of yeast (P > 0.05) on fraction (a), (b) and (a+b). However, the effective degradability at 1 %/h and 5 %/h of ruminal turnover was higher in T2 (P < 0.05). In the second experiment, 32 lambs were randomly assigned to individual pens for 105 d to evaluate 4 diets that differed in the proportion of concentrate: forage: T1 = 75: 25, T2 = 75:25; T3 = 50: 50, and T4 = 25: 75. With the exception of T1, the diets were supplemented with Candida norvegensis at 15 mL/kg of live weight, equivalent to 5 g/d of yeast in dry matter basis. The lambs in the diet with 75 % of concentrate plus the yeast (T2) showed greater weight gain and best feed conversion (P < 0.05). It is concluded that Candida norvegensis showed beneficial effects on ruminal degradability and on the growth of lambs.
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