Sustainability indicators for Protected Natural Areas
sustainability indicators, protected natural areas, bibliometric studyAbstract
Protected Natural Areas (PNAs) are spaces designated for protecting, conserving, managing, and caring for biodiversity and its ecosystems. Sustainability indicators (SI) are elements for diagnosing and monitoring the management of PNAs. This work aims to develop an analysis of the evolution of publications on the subject of SI and to identify SIs to evaluate PNAs. Using the Web of Science database, we conducted a bibliometric study of IS-related publications. Subsequently, we selected scientific articles dealing with PNAs for content analysis. Between 1980 and 2022, we obtained 10 377 publications related to SI, covering topics ranging from population growth urbanization to artificial intelligence. During the period 2012 to 2022, 85% of the total number of works located were published. The journal with the highest production was Sustainability, while Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews presented the highest impact factor. We obtained a total of 1 022 articles that deal with the association of SI-PNA. However, only 169 presented concrete economic, social, environmental, and institutional information to consider in evaluating PNA. The topics that relate the SI with PNAs in the search for sustainability were management, conservation, sustainable tourism, and climate change, among others. The SIs associated with the PNAs identified reflected a growing interest in the management and involvement of local actors, governments, and non-governmental organizations as stakeholders in conserving, protecting, and caring for biodiversity and ensuring the continuity of the ecosystem services provided by the PNAs. The SI-PNAs provide basic information for decision-making on the natural heritage of each country and even for global policies.
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