Characterization of rabbit production systems in the Ciego de Ávila municipality, Cuba
rabbits, multivariate analysis, agricultural systems, Oryctolagus cuniculusAbstract
The breeding of rabbits contributes to obtaining animal protein and generating income from the sale of this species. The description and characterization of the production systems of these animals provide valuable information for the design of intervention and improvement plans. The aim of this study was to determine the main variables that influence the heterogeneity of the rabbit production systems in the Ciego de Ávila municipality, Cuba. The sample consisted of 49 farms. Quantitative data on productive, reproductive and social indicators were obtained through factor analysis using principal components (PC). The factor scores of each case were calculated, in each PC, and descriptive statistics of the indicators measured. In the conditions of the studied territory, the efficiency was determined by 6 PC that explained 77.6 % of the variance: 1) size of the herd and forage areas; 2) reproductive behavior; 3) age of the producer and reproductive management; 4) mortality; 5) age at weaning and age at slaughter and 6) number of mounts to gestate the breeders. The characterization from the use of PC, and the factor index for each case study in each PC, serve as the basis for interpreting the great existing heterogeneity in the indicators studied, as well as their similarity. It also contributes to defining relationships and behaviors in the characterization of rabbit farms in this region, which will allow the implementation of productive improvement plans.
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