Factors asociated to teacher leadership
teacher leadership, elementary school, elementary school’s teachersAbstract
Teacher leadership is an important variable due to the role it plays in improving teacher quality and its positive relationship with school results. However, contextual situations exist within institutions that hinder or discourage teachers from assuming these roles. The objective of this research was to describe the characteristics and factors that foster or inhibit the development of teacher leadership in a primary school in Mérida, Yucatán. A case study with mixed methods was followed. For the qualitative phase data were collected employing participant observation and semi-structured interviews. For the quantitative phase of the study online surveys were administered and the following non-parametric inferential tests were carried out: chi-square and Mann-Whitney U test; Findings suggest that high levels of leadership are positively correlated to having the initiative to undertake innovative school projects. In contrast, low levels of leadership were associated to discomfort with leadership roles. Significant differences were identified in the results of the qualitative and quantitative phase. The qualitative phase revealed that being a support teacher, the principal’s role, individualism, the availability of time, the administrative burden, large groups, among others, were categories that can influence teacher’s intentions to act or not with leadership. It is essential to know the situations that all teachers go through in order to make decisions in an informed manner, as well as to find the real roots of the problems that are closely related to decisions on public policy.
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