Health and Spirituality: men do not live only by bread


  • Rocío Margarita Uresti-Marín Dirección General de Innovación Tecnológica; Cuerpo Académico: Gestión y Transferencia del conocimiento, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
  • Frida Caballero-Rico Dirección General de Innovación Tecnológica; Cuerpo Académico: Gestión y Transferencia del conocimiento, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
  • José Alberto Ramírez-de León Dirección General de Innovación Tecnológica; Cuerpo Académico: Gestión y Transferencia del conocimiento, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.


science, health, spirituality.


The investigation of spiritual and religious factors The investigation of spiritual and religious factors in health is clearly justified and is clinically relevant because of the need to find ways to improve the health of the population. There are several conflicting assumptions about this link science-spirituality. To point out some, Friedrich Schleiermacher (1862, theologian, philosopher) claimed that it was not pos­sible to know God through reason but that feeling and intuition were the best ways to know God. On the other hand, William James (1902, philosopher of Harvard University) founded the “psychology of religion”, which is the branch of applied psychology to the science of religion, and scandalized the scien­tific world when he defended the practice of mental healing therapies and spiritual ones without God. This article presents a review of various foundations associated with the evolution of health sciences to the field of spiritual knowledge from the perspective of Christianity (the teachings of Jesus) and some ba­sic concepts useful for understanding our humanity, as to face smugly transdisciplinary work is needed, less top-down and less fragmented between science, health and spirituality.


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How to Cite

Uresti-Marín, R. M., Caballero-Rico, F., & Ramírez-de León, J. A. (2011). Health and Spirituality: men do not live only by bread. CienciaUAT, 6(2), 48-54. Retrieved from



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