Influence of addiction to social networks on school failure in bachelor level students


  • Carlos Miguel Amador-Ortíz Instituto Tecnológico José Mario Molina Pasquel y Henríquez, campus Puerto Vallarta, calle Corea del Sur núm. 600, col. El Mangal, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México, C. P. 48338.



social networks, addiction, reprobation, academic performance, university students


Social networks are tools that facilitate communication and access to information with applications in different areas, their use makes several processes more efficient, and help to solve problems, additionally they are widely used for recreational purposes. However, an excessive use can have negative implications for individuals. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between addiction to social networks and school reprobation in college students. A standardized questionnaire with a Likert scale was administered to a sample of 539 university students. The data was analyzed in relation to failure using a Pearson Chi-square hypothesis test in the totals obtained in the questionnaire with low and high addiction, and by factors with medium and high addiction. The surveyed students were categorized as low addiction to social networks (57 %), medium addiction to social networks (36 %) and high addiction (7 %). The overall results showed a significant association between high addiction and failure, specifically in the factors associated with obsession with social networks and their excessive use. No meaningful associations were found either in the lack of personal factor control or in the medium addiction factors to social networks and failure. Conclusions highlight that addiction to social networks has a negative effect on academic performance, impacting on school failure of university students.


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How to Cite

Amador-Ortíz, C. M. (2021). Influence of addiction to social networks on school failure in bachelor level students. CienciaUAT, 16(1), 62–72.



Social Science

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